Is This You?
I help families and individuals are experiencing chronic health struggles, mystery symptoms, anxiety, and feel like they’ve tried everything … or who may be feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and just want their life back.
I also help people in a variety of related scenarios . . .
You’ve gone from practitioner to practitioner.
There are a lot of promises out there. Things your friends swear by. Success stories and testimonials, but nothing that’s worked for you. At least not yet. It’s expensive. And depressing, and exhausting . . . trying to get well. For some, it’s cost them everything. And when you’re not well, or you’re tired and stressed and financially worn out, trusting in something else can feel impossible.
You’re navigating complex chronic illness or pain, alone, without the help of the medical system. You’ve had to do all your own research.
You may have learned long ago that the medical system often fails people with complex chronic illness like fibromyalgia, POTS, chronic fatigue, environmental sensitivities, and chronic pain.
Maybe you’ve made peace with that.
But it doesn’t change the fact that going it alone can be hard, isolating, overwhelming, and lonely.
And good support, help moving things in the right direction, would mean the world.
You’ve spent all of your money, and then some.
And now you’re ready for a change, something that actually works. Not more protocols, rabbit holes, or money pits.
You’re not new to this business of healing. And yet it feels like you’ve tried everything.
You’re awake and aware, and have read and researched. But you want support, someone to partner with you— better yet, someone whose been there and gets it.
You’ve learned a lot in this journey. But are still experiencing symptoms, dysregulation, or are feeling stuck.
Maybe you are making progress, but want some support and want to try a new approach.
Maybe you’re the parent of a child with autism, behavioral challenges, or “mystery symptoms.”
You would do anything to help your child. You may have tried everything.
Maybe you’re finding that the standard OT/PT simply isn’t enough. Or some of the things you’ve heard and read about, that have worked for so many others, just aren’t working for your child.
Perhaps you’ve just begun this journey and are curious about early developmental trauma, attachment, the Safe and Sound Protocol, and would love to find things that can get to the root of this.
This has been hard on your relationships—your relationship with a partner or your parents. Maybe you feel isolated from friends.
It’s hard to relate when your whole life has become about survival. And, sadly, friendships may have had to fall aside. It’s hard when people mean well, but don’t really get it. Or worse, judge you, suggest you’re making things up. Maybe they try to help but give you advice that has nothing to do with your situation.
In these times, people who get it and can truly support you are golden.
Whatever scenario you may find yourself in, right at this very moment, or if it’s a combination of any of the above, I want you to know, there is hope.
Can This Work Really Help Me?
That is the question.
I completely understand not wanting to invest your trust or money into yet another thing. I understand not being sure. And feeling fragile, tired, or depleted.
I understand, because I’ve been there. I’ve been in your shoes—both as a parent, and on my own path—so I get it.
I spent years (and years) healing. And what that gained me was not only my life back but a bird’s-eye view and first-hand experience of what really helped.
And now I’m here to share that with you. To help you avoid the same mistakes I made. To help you save money, protect your time—and precious energy—and go straight to the very heart of what has worked not only for me, but dozens and dozens of others I have helped . . .
Working with Nervous System Regulation can be key to your healing.
So many modalities out there sound good. And often are good. But getting to the root of what we’re seeing on the surface can make all the difference in the world.
What’s the use of a supplement program or a diet change when your nervous system is in chronic freeze? Which means digestion is shut down. How can we discipline or teach a child and expect him or or her to behave or learn if they are not able to access their pre-frontal cortex? What’s the good in avoiding chemicals and mold if we don’t address trauma and the amygdala.
We can finally find the answers here at the root and begin to find relief in nervous system regulation where learning to feel safety, connection, and calm is possible.
Head on over to learn more about How I Work